“My name is Brian Watson, and building guitars is my passion”

My road to becoming a luthier began when I was 13. My older brother told me he had met a man who built guitars. I had never heard of someone who built guitars, I didn't know just "a person" could build a guitar. Didn't they have to come from a factory? No, it tuns out they don't. 

​The man was Lloyd Laplant from Grand Rapids, MN. Than night my brother and I did some research online, though Lloyd doesnt have much presence on the web, we found that he and his instruments have a fantastic reputation in his community. 

This information came at the right time in my life, I had been playing guitar for a while already, and while looking through the catalog of the local guitar store had begun to ask myself "are there any better guitars than the regular big brands I see in these catalogs? Now I was introduced to a whole new world of luthier-built and handmade guitars. Than night I was sure that I wanted to build guitars, and I havent looked back.

Over the next few years I spent many hours online delving into this new world, I was facinated! Through this time I absorbed information from all that I read and saw, looking at websites of other builders, finding tools and information about building and repair on other websites and of course looking at lots of pretty tonewood! ​

 ​I grew up in a hands-on work envioment. My dad was a cabinet maker, but also had many other practical skills such as remodeling and auto mecanics. I learned a lot working with him on many different projects around the house and garage from a young age. So, at 15 armed with that practical experience and many hours on the internet, I built my first guitar, a red Statocaster copy.​ 

"...at 15, armed with that practical experience and many hours on the internet, I built my first guitar..."

That first guitar was pretty rough by my current standards but it was a start and gave me the confidence to build my first acoustic, which was a significant improvement, and with each consecutive instrument I continue refining my skills and honing my craft.

In 2017 I switched from luthierie being just a hobby to being my main  occupation. Fortunately the luthier community is very open and willing to share information and I have learned a tremendous amount from fellow builders, my philosophy on building is influenced by many modern makers and methods while not straying to far from time-tested traditional designs.

 I enjoy utilizing high quality, fine tonewoods and strive to showcase the natural beauty of the woods. I choose the individual components of each guitar to work together to create an asthetically tasteful, congruent apperance a sound tailored to the needs of the player.

For me the most rewarding part of guitar building is seeing the finished product, an instrument that seems so perfect you wonder how it could come out of the dust and wood shavings of the shop. Then that guitar starts its journey making music.

I'm grateful to be able to build guitars, work which I truly enjoy and which stetches both my hand skills and sense of design asthetic!